How to ensure a good posture of your child

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In the eyes of the parent, a newly born baby is the most fragile being in the world and even simple care routine seems to be an insurmountable challenge. How to correctly change a diaper, carry your child in the first months of their life and help them learn walking so as to ensure their proper development?

A the beginning, changing a diaper may be a little stressful. However, you only need to follow a few basic rules to be able to do it effortlessly. First of all, remember not to straighten the baby’s legs and not to pull on their feet, as that could cause dislocation of their hip joints. When pulling the dirty diaper from under the baby and putting a new one, you should turn the baby on their side, put your hand on their pelvis between their legs and turn them or lift them on your arm. This way, their spine and head will be supported and safe the whole time.

It is very important to carry your child properly up to six months of age. At this age you should avoid straining the fragile spine of your baby. Carrying the baby always on the same arm or putting them in a sitting position is not recommended. You may want to consider using baby sling – when it is correctly wrapped, the baby is in the same position as when lying on the parent’s stomach.

About a dozen years ago, baby walkers seemed to be a great solution for toddlers taking their first steps. Today, more and more doctors claim that such walkers put too much strain on a young spine and pelvis. The reason for this is that baby walkers force the child to stick out their belly and walk on their toes. Additionally, it prevents the child from learning how to fall down safely. It is now believed that children need to take their first and subsequent steps on their own. According to the doctors, even leading them by the hand can cause adverse effects. Our role as parents is limited to ensuring a comfortable surface and providing protection to prevent the child from hurting themselves when falling down.